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Secretary Pritzker Visits SEMATECH

  July 31, 2013 Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker visited SEMATECH this week to see firsthand how the industrial consortium brings together competitors to advance the semiconductor industry. The latest stop in her nationwide listening tour, the Secretary met...

Are You Ready For Internet Regulation?

In the early, heady days of the Internet, it seemed as though this living network of knowledge would transcend time, borders, and the reach of state and national governments. But in the past few years, many sheriffs have entered the Wild Wild West that was the World...

Seizing the Opportunities of the Digital Economy

Commencement Address, DeVry Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois June 2000 It is a pleasure for me to be here tonight, to participate in a celebration of achievement and promise for the future. And, oh what a future lies before you. You are poised to begin your...