by Katherine Arens | Jun 9, 2017 | Tech-Led Economic Development, TechVision News & Events
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PDF Budget Newsletter FY 2018: pull back in the Federal role in technology development...
by Katherine Arens | Apr 19, 2016 | Articles & Commentary, Federal Funding, Innovation Policy, Tech-Led Economic Development
The coming year will see hundreds of millions of dollars awarded for research and development, innovation institutes, and other elements of innovation ecosystems. The Administration is pulling out all the stops to drive U.S. innovation and competitiveness in both...
by Katherine Arens | Oct 26, 2015 | Articles & Commentary, Tech-Led Economic Development, TechVision News & Events
Founded in 2010, the Ocean Exchange advocates for innovative solutions related to sustainability that generate economic growth and increased productivity, while reducing the use of natural resources and waste. Each year the Ocean Exchange brings experts from around...
by Katherine Arens | Jan 14, 2015 | Articles & Commentary, Energy, Tech-Led Economic Development
Next-generation composite materials are twice as light and three times as strong as composites currently in use. Advanced composites could potentially revolutionize advanced manufacturing. In fact, the White House believes that advanced composites will give American...
by Katherine Arens | Nov 10, 2014 | Articles & Commentary, Tech-Led Economic Development, TechVision News & Events, Workforce Development/STEM
The Virginia Rural Center will host the Governor’s Summit on Rural Prosperity in Roanoke, VA on November 17 and 18th. This two-day Summit brings together elected officials, panelists and speakers to discuss investment, workforce development and ecosystems in...
by Katherine Arens | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles & Commentary, Energy, Federal Funding, Innovation Policy, Tech-Led Economic Development
For decades, investment in rural areas has been a fundamental function of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Excluding farm loans and subsidies, the USDA has funded well over two and a half billion dollars in rural development over the past 5 years. These investments...