1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20004 | 202.966.6610

Advanced Manufacturing

Strengthening American manufacturing is a high national priority and front-burner issue.


Every level of government is making investments, and establishing policies and programs to spur innovation, advance and deploy game-changing manufacturing technologies, and grow industry clusters to stimulate job creation, economic development and growth.


The Federal government is investing hundreds of billions to revitalize and establish cutting edge manufacturing in the United States. The Congress is introducing legislation, Federal programs offer technical assistance ranging from manufacturing modernization to the use of high performance computing, and Federal agencies offer incentives and partnerships to commercialize Federal research results. Federal grants support a wide range of efforts including research, technology development, establishing manufacturing research institutes and microelectronics production facilities, growing innovation and industrial ecosystems, building high-tech infrastructure, financing early stage businesses, and efforts to establish and grow regional innovation hubs.

TechVision21 helps companies, universities, and economic developers access these resources and funding support.

  • Help stakeholders shape legislation, Federal policies, programs, and funding priorities.
  • Assist companies in securing support for their manufacturingrelated R&D plans.
  • Work with consortia, coalitions, and partnerships to design, organize, and secure funding for Manufacturing Innovation Institutes and other centers of excellence. 

The TechVision21 team has decades of experience working with emerging firms, global technology companies, universities and S&T non-profit organizations to leverage Federal programs and policies to develop, commercialize, and sell a wide range of technologies, including renewable energy, automotive, defense, advanced manufacturing, microelectronics, advanced materials, IT, telecommunications and artificial intelligence. We offer our clients opportunities to engage with a wide range of policy and decision makers in the Administration and on Capitol Hill, with Federal agency leaders and program managers.

The experts at TechVision21 provide our clients with the advice and advocacy they need to navigate the countless programs available throughout the Federal government to promote their advanced manufacturing projects.