TechVision21 has helped clients: raise their visibility among government policy makers and program managers; tangibly advance their technology and innovation-related policy and program interests in Washington; and secure multi-million-dollar appropriations, grants, and contracts from the Federal government to support a wide variety of goals. For example:
TechVision21 developed new Federal program concepts and white papers describing them, and promoted these concepts to high-level decision makers at the White House, and the Departments of Energy, Defense, and Commerce. These papers offered solutions to innovation and technology commercialization challenges our high-tech industry, small business and start-up company clients face.
- TechVision21 helped a client win a multi-million dollar grant to support specialized facilities construction for an advanced semiconductor manufacturing research and manufacturing center.
- Strategic planning to design a high-speed, high-volume WMD alerting system; bioterrorism alerting applications; and alerting and communications solutions for weather related emergencies, including identification of key stakeholders at the Federal and state levels, such as law enforcement, the first responder community and a variety of non-profit organizations.
- TechVision21 characterized a U.S. military service branch’s civilian microelectronics workforce, identifying areas of challenge, and crafting a workforce development and recruitment strategy
- For both the Army and Navy, TechVision21 evaluated U.S. military service branch needs for science and engineering professionals, and the military’s efforts to educate, train, attract, and retain these workers. This included a comprehensive assessment of each service branch’s current science and engineering workforce.
- TechVision21 helped a Fortune 500 company: shape a new Department of Energy program to ensure support for the client’s innovative ocean energy technology, secure legislative provisions that make the client technology eligible for Federal renewable energy tax credits, secure a Department of Commerce commitment to reestablish the regulatory and licensing regime for demonstration and deployment of the client technology, and ignite Department of Defense activities to evaluate and deploy the client technology to power several key U.S. military bases around the world.
- TechVision21 helped a consortium of industry and university partners shape the vision for a PV manufacturing program of high interest to the U.S. Department of Energy. The proposed initiative won a multi-million-dollar grant award. We also helped develop the winning grant proposal.
- TechVision21 helped several venture capital-backed start-up businesses in efforts to gain Federal grant and loan support for advancing their innovative vehicle technologies and establishing manufacturing facilities to produce them.
- TechVision21 helped a top-ten ranked institute of undergraduate engineering education secure a multi-million-dollar grant to establish a center for fuel cell systems and powertrain integration research.
- TechVision21 assisted a leading science and technology association in developing its innovation policy report, including drafting the report, developing recommendations to government, and identifying the research and data that support the recommendations.
- On behalf of an international organization, TechVision21 prepared a detailed analysis of the Federal government’s expansive multi-agency biofuels investments and programs.
- TechVision21 helped clients draft responses to formal Federal Requests for Information used to shape future Department of Energy renewable energy grant funding opportunities.
- TechVision21 has provided its clients with timely, detailed analyses of the President’s science and technology budget request by Federal department and agency, and House and Senate appropriations, pinpointing budget provisions and appropriations committee action of greatest interest to each client.
- On behalf of an international organization, TechVision21 identified Federal government sources of support for bi-lateral scientific exchanges and joint research efforts.
- TechVision21 provided major assistance in developing complex grant applications that secured Federal funding for expanding production capacity at a client’s biofuels plant and a client utility company’s geothermal energy project.
- TechVision21 has helped clients secure more than $70 million in direct grant funding.