1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20004 | 202.966.6610

The latest edition of Inside View is out.


It’s hard to keep track of the billions of dollars gushing out of Washington to support efforts across the country in R&D, high-tech manufacturing, clean energy, regional innovation hubs, and broadband. Every week, there are new requests for proposals for grant funding, and companies, universities, non-profits, state and local governments, and regional coalitions are scrambling to get a share. There is no end to the funding stream in sight. In this issue of Inside View, we highlight some of the new funding and programming in semiconductor technology and clean energy.

We have decades of experience supporting clients in the semiconductor and defense industries, and have worked with clients to secure support for a wide range of clean energy-related projects including PV and concentrating solar, smart grid, ocean energy, geothermal, fuel cells, biofuels, and advanced vehicles.


Don’t hesitate to contact TechVision21 at (202) 966-6610 or at kcarnes@TechVision21.com